Giving Thanks


This past week, my siblings an I were able to attend a conference in Nashville Tennessee. We had an amazing time. One of the best messages we heard was one on thankfulness. Have you ever notices that in 2 Timothy 3, God puts un-thankfulness on the same level as un-holiness?
2 Timothy 3:2: For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Wow! Being thankful is a big deal to God.

One saying that Gabe said many times through his sermon, has been in my mind ever since Friday morning. This is what he said: “Every irritation, in an invitation, to enter into the presence of God, when received with thanksgiving.” Every time something irritates me now, Gabe’s voice comes back into my head saying this. It is then that I have to make a choice whether to give in to the flesh to gripe, complain and be unthankful. Or to let the Holy Spirit lead me in to a wonderful time of praise and thanksgiving to God.

The Bible says, ‘In every thing give thank:’ (1 Thess 5:18) Everything, means everything. The good and the bad.

Since this has been on my mind, today I took the time to make a poster with that saying.



Coffee Poster


Coffee Poster

I made this poster for my Sunday School room. Every week my Sunday School Teacher’s wife makes us coffee, and they bring a snack. So I thought this was kind of fitting. I made sure it was ok with them first, and they said that’d be good. I go tomorrow to get it printed. =)

Drink #2


Today, I made another drink. This one, is the Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino from McDonald’s. It turned out just like the real thing.

To give it a different twist, enhance the flavor, or just to give it the best flavor, I added coffee. =)

P10008041 cup milk (or 1/2 coffee, 1/2 milk)

2 TBS sugar

1/3 cup chocolate chips

3 TBS chocolate syrup

2 cups ice

1/4 tsp. vanilla

Blend it all up, top with cool whip, or whipped topping; which ever you have. Ta da! you have another in-home drink for summer. =)


Starbucks at Home


So a while back we got into the McDonalds frappe’s, but instead of buying them all the time, we found a recipe. Which brings us to the conversation of Starbucks coffee. I love coffee and I love Starbucks, but the downfall that everyone faces, is the price.
So, I have bought Starbucks beans to grind from Wal-Mart and now am finding recipes to make at home.
The first recipe I found was a White Mocha Frappuccino. It turned out perfect! Just like Starbucks, and its so simple. =)
We like simple.
First, make coffee. For one cup of the frappe only use 1/2 of a cup of coffee.
While that is brewing, melt 1/2 cups of white chocolate chips.
Add 2/3 cups of milk to the chips.

Let everything cool till room temp. or a little warmer.

Put everything into the blender and add 1-2 cups of ice.

Blend till ice is just chopped. This is your preference whether you like the ice in your drink more coarse or very thin.

And wa-lah! Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino.

Posters #3


This poster is upstairs in the teen room.


This poster is in the hallway in between rooms.

Psalms-27-webThis poster is in my Sunday School room. (young adults)


This one I haven’t gotten printed yet. I go tomorrow to get this one and the one on the bottom printed.


This is also in the teen room.


This one is also in the hallway.


This one I have to print.






Lately I have been into making posters for my Church. Our wall are bare and I thought they needed something. So, I got on photoshop and started to work. I made 6 different posters the first week, now I’m working on ones for classrooms as requested by the teachers. Here is one for the New Converts class. I’ll post more as I get them done.



My family has the conviction of being modest and wearing skirts. A lot of people think we condemn if you do otherwise, but this isn’t the case. We know what God tells us isn’t for everyone.

Anyways, I was on Pinterest and saw this video. 14 young guys perspective on modesty put into song. It’s fun, but true. Enjoy.

I was on another website the other day and found this video as well. This one is part of a sermon by C. J. Mahaney. He took college guys testimonies and read them to the crowd. Its very powerful. I think every girl needs to watch this video.





On our way to church the other night, we saw a beautiful sunset. The sunburst behind the few scattered rain clouds was great. As we passed it I wished I had my camera. But then I reminded myself, I have my on-hand Lumix DMC-TS25. Although it isn’t the camera of choice, it is my rough and tough camera that is always with me. And to make the most of what I had, this is what I got. They aren’t of the greatest quality but I think that anytime you can capture God’s creation at its height, it’s absolutely stunning.P1000559


Longest word ever


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – (so͞opərˌkaləˌfrajəˌlistikˌekspēˌaləˈdōSHəs)

At 34 letters long it is the longest word, at least, I’ve ever seen. Meaning, extremely wonderful this word is not to often heard.

And since we’re on the subject. I know if something that is really supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Introducing. The best. Gooey, chewy, warm, soft chocolate chip cookies!

   Thick & Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

2-1/4 cups plain flour, measured correctly

1 tsp. baking soda

1-1/2 tsp. cornstarch

1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 cup light brown sugar, loosely packed

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg + 1 egg yolk

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chocolate chips

Toss together the flour, baking soda, cornstarch and salt in a large bowl. Set aside.

In a medium size bowl, whisk the melted butter, brown sugar, and white sugar together until no brown sugar lumps remain. Whisk in the egg, then the egg yolk. Finally, whisk in the vanilla. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix together with a large spoon or rubber spatula. The dough will be very soft. Fold in the chocolate chips. They may not stick to the dough because of the melted butter, but do your best to have them evenly dispersed among the dough. Cover the dough and chill for 2 hours, or up to 3 days. Chilling is mandatory.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and allow to slightly soften at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.

Roll the dough into balls, about 3 Tablespoons of dough each. The dough will be crumbly, but the warmth of your hands will allow the balls to stay intact. Roll the cookie dough balls to be taller rather than wide. to ensure the cookies will bake up to be thick.      P1000546

Put 8 balls of dough onto each cookie sheet. Press a few more chocolate chips on top of the dough balls fore looks, if desired. P1000549

Bake the cookies for 11-12 minutes. The cookies will look very soft and under-baked. They will continue to bake on the cookie sheet. Let them stand on cookie sheet for 5-10 minutes. Remove and let cool. P1000550

Next, get a glass of milk and enjoy your supercalifragilisticexpialidocious cookies! P1000552

For just a simple tip. Make sure you melt the butter. If not, they come out more spongy and not as soft. Enjoy!